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Message to The Czech & Slovak American Genealogy Society of Illinois

The Czech & Slovak American Genealogy Society of Illinois - Czech  in Sugar Grove IL

The Czech & Slovak American Genealogy Society of Illinois

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About The Czech & Slovak American Genealogy Society of Illinois

The Czech & Slovak American Genealogy Society of Illinois is an incorporated, 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization. Founded in Illinois in 1996 with membership worldwide. CSAGSI was formed because people like yourself who have roots in Bohemia, Slovakia, Moravia, Silesia, or Carpatho-Ruthenian who felt a need to develop, preserve and share genealogical, historical and cultural knowledge of our ancestors.


Primary Office Location

pin P.O. Box 313 Sugar Grove IL 60554


Social Media

Facebook page for The Czech & Slovak American Genealogy Society of Illinois - Czech  in Sugar Grove
Message The Czech & Slovak American Genealogy Society of Illinois