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Message to Permanent Mission of the Czech Republic to the UN in New York

Permanent Mission of the Czech Republic to the UN in New York - Czech  in New York NY

Permanent Mission of the Czech Republic to the UN in New York

Government of Czech Republic
(646) 981-4001
(646) 981-4001


Government Embassies and Consulates
Practice Areas

About Permanent Mission of the Czech Republic to the UN in New York

Our Mission

We shall make the Czech Republic more secure and prosperous by making the UN more effective and efficient organization delivering peace, justice, sustainable development, human rights and humanitarian assistance in global terms.

Scope of Activities

The Permanent Mission of the Czech Republic to the UN is participating together with other 192 missions of the UN member states in the work and guidance of the United Nations HQ in New York. It is tasked with representation and promotion of the Czech priorities and interests in the meetings of the main organs of the UN as follows:

- General Assembly
- Security Council
- Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC)

In addition, the members of the Czech Mission are participating in the work of other permanent and ad-hoc established bodies of the UN system, like conferences, commissions, working groups, programs and funds based in New York ( UN Peacebuilding Commission / PBC /, UNDP/UNFPA/UNOPS and others).

The members of the Mission explain and promote the positions of the Czech Republic and engage constructively in negotiations on UN resolutions.

The Czech Permanent Mission to the UN in New York is not only an active participant in meetings and negotiations organized by the UN, but in an effort to draw attention to some of the priorities of the Czech Republic and to gain support from other UN Member States it also organizes numerous meetings, seminars, discussions and presentations.

On the other hand the Permanent Mission wishes to advise that it is not dealing either with the bilateral relations with the United States of America or any consular/visa issues.


Primary Office Location

pin 1109 - 1111 Madison Avenue New York NY 10028

pin (646) 981-4001


Social Media

Twitter page for Permanent Mission of the Czech Republic to the UN in New York - Czech  in New York Twitter page for Permanent Mission of the Czech Republic to the UN in New York - Czech  in New York Facebook page for Permanent Mission of the Czech Republic to the UN in New York - Czech  in New York
Message Permanent Mission of the Czech Republic to the UN in New York
(646) 981-4001