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Message to American Sokol

American Sokol - Czech  in Brookfield IL

American Sokol

(708) 255-5397
(708) 255-5397


About American Sokol

Americans have many choices as to how to spend their money and time, and have the freedom to move around from coast-to-coast. Americans have many opportunities and value their independence fiercely. We are a country of independent-thinking people who will come together in times of trouble, or for a friendly sporting event! Do you agree?

American Sokol as a sporting and social organization is where we excel. We plan successful sporting and celebratory events. We work together for the common good. We invite and welcome all volunteers, spectators and participants. In addition, we are a cultural organization that respects our heritage, evidenced by our culinary and beverage appreciation of all things Czech. As well as our ethnic dances, which are well known throughout our membership, and are performed with passion.

American Sokol is for you. American Sokol is for everyone! We are American – it’s in our name. We are open and fair-minded to all. We welcome you to join our ranks and our family.

“A Sound Mind in a Sound Body” ~ Miroslav Tyrš, founder of the Sokol Movement, Prague, 1862


Primary Office Location

pin 9126 Ogden Ave Brookfield IL 60513

pin (708) 255-5397

Social Media

Twitter page for American Sokol - Czech  in Brookfield Twitter page for American Sokol - Czech  in Brookfield Facebook page for American Sokol - Czech  in Brookfield Instagram page for American Sokol - Czech  in Brookfield
Message American Sokol
(708) 255-5397